Awakening love & justice in our lives & in the world.

Upcoming Sermon

“Jangling Discords of Our Nation”

Sunday, January 19, 11 am, in person & on Zoom

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of his belief that we can “transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood” to a national gathering of Unitarian Universalists in 1966. This Sunday as we honor Dr. King’s legacy and look ahead to a new political era, where does our hope for transformation in our time lie?

Check out the Order of Service for this Sunday here!

Children of the Air

Each of us is shaped by the stories we have been told, and the stories we tell ourselves, about who we are. Yet there are times when old stories can limit how we grow into the next version of ourselves. Join us this morning to dedicate children and wrestle with the age old questions of nature, nurture, being, and becoming.

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