Stewardship Campaign F.A.Q.

Why Pledge

Pledging allows us to plan for a year of everything that we’ve come to love and expect about our church: our staff, our worship, our social justice programs, and so much more. All we ask is that you let us know how much you plan to give by Making a Pledge for the 2025 Year:

Fulfill your pledge with automated online payments, text giving (text the amount you want to pay and the word “pledge” to (215) 709-5095), checks, or cash before December 31, 2025. 

Questions? Contact Rev. Abbey, Business Administrator, Norman Fouhy, and the Stewardship Team at or call the church office at 215 563-3980.

Make a Pledge Now!

First pledge your support to First Unitarian Church using this form and then click here to set up secure automated giving on Breeze or give at your own pace with checks, text giving, or online gifts. This year, we are continuing to try to move all electronic giving from our long-time online payment system, Vanco, to Breeze. Need help moving your giving from Vanco to Breeze? Contact the church office at or 215-563-3980. For more information about the 2024 Stewardship Campaign, check out the FAQ section below.

Pledges support the annual budget of our congregation, providing worship and music, lifespan spiritual development, social justice work, pastoral care, congregational events, and much more. Pledge income also pays the salaries of our ministers and staff, pays for the operation and maintenance of our facilities, and supports the technology that makes our new “hybrid” way of being possible. Our pledges allow us to project the funding for our operating budget for the coming year. 

The calendar year 2025 pledge campaign fiscal goal is $335,000, which accounts for the growth in our membership over the past couple of years, our commitment to pay our staff according to fair compensation guidelines, and the technical demands of our new hybrid model of congregational life. More important than our fiscal goal, however, is as many people participating as possible! 

Everyone’s financial circumstances are different, but we ask that people pledge an amount that feels generous within their means. It costs about $2,000 per adult to sustain the church for the year, but that number is far beyond the means of some of us, and for others of us with greater means, $2,000 wouldn’t feel generous. If you are looking for a guide based on income, the table below might be helpful.


Our bylaws require that we have a record of an identified financial contribution within the past year in order for you to retain status as an active member of the congregation (an active member can vote in congregational matters, or serve on the board or nominating committee). Most members choose to do this with a pledge, which is also the most helpful choice for the congregation to be able to financially plan. However, there is not a required pledge amount. If your financial situation does not allow you to make any financial contribution, please reach out to one of the ministers to discuss the possibility of a pastoral waiver. 

Anyone can make a pledge to the congregation, member or not. Non-members who choose to pledge are usually considered “friends” of the church. We have lots of Friends, and are very grateful for them!

A pledge is a promise to contribute a certain amount of money over the course of 2023. 

Automatic giving is one way to fulfill your pledge – you set up a monthly automatic withdrawal from your bank account or recurring credit card payment. If you have already set up automated giving but haven’t made a formal pledge, please still make a pledge so we officially know that you plan to continue giving this way.

Automated giving: you can set up secure automated giving on our database Breeze, by clicking here and selecting “Give to Pledge Payment.” Most people choose monthly giving. Some people choose to set up an auto-payment with their bank instead. This year, we are working on moving all electronic giving from our long-time online payment system, Vanco, to Breeze. Feel free to reach out to us.

Yes! We understand that things change, especially in these unprecedented times. If you need to adjust your pledge down or up, just contact  (215) 563-3980 and we will take care of it, no questions and no judgment!

The money received in the weekly offering also goes towards our congregation’s annual budget (and is sometimes shared with outside organizations), but does not count towards a pledge unless specifically designated by the giver. If you wish to pay your pledge during the weekly offering, the easiest ways are:

  • Text 215-709-5095 with the amount you want to give followed by the word “Pledge” [for example, to pay $20 towards your pledge, text “20 pledge” to 215-709-5095 during the weekly offering],
    •Log into Breeze and designate your gift as a pledge payment, or, 
  • if you are in the church Sanctuary, you can put a check or cash in a special envelope from the back of the pew in the offering plate that designates a pledge payment. 

We track pledges from “pledge units” which can mean individuals, couples, or families. Some couples choose to pledge separately, though most pledge together. The choice is yours!

Many of us support several non-profit organizations and issues. Thankfully, many of these causes are supported by thousands of people!
First Unitarian Church is supported only by us – generous members and friends. Our values – radical hospitality, humanity’s inherent worth and dignity, respect for the web of life, religious freedom – our life nourishing community of care – our soul-moving worship – and our spiritually grounded justice work – are not at the center of any other organization.
For all of this to thrive, it is we who must support it.

Our volunteer gifts and financial gifts both make this church powerful and sustainable. We depend upon both to live out our mission.

As a democratic community, our budgets are created to serve the whole of our work together. All pledges support the entire congregation.

To the extent you itemize deductions, yes. Donations to Churches are the same as donations to any 501c3 charity – fully tax deductible.

In years past, we would only pass a Spring budget for the coming fiscal year based on the amount the Spring stewardship campaign had raised. This helped the congregation feel fairly confident that we would be able to pay our bills and not go into a deficit.
In recent years, however, we have moved to drawing up a budget based on an estimate of what we believe we can receive from pledges in the coming fiscal year, rather than using the pledge campaign as a firm budgetary number. This reflects the reality of our membership; in other words, while some people need to adjust their pledges down during the year due to unforeseen circumstances, and some people move away or leave the congregation, we also have new people joining the congregation during the year and others who overpay their pledges when their finances are good. 
Given that our budgeting has, for several years, been made upon an estimate of anticipated pledging, rather than a firm pledge campaign number, our Finance Working Group, Administrative staff, and Board felt confident in their decision last year to separate the fiscal year and calendar year without inhibiting our ability to make wise budgeting decisions. In fact, we are finding that, in some ways, this new system even helps us to predict our financial situation further in advance than our old system. Systems like our database Breeze also enable us to track financial giving more easily than in the past (though we are still working on using it to its fullest extent).
Bottom line, we want our stewardship campaign to be as easy as possible for our congregants, and we trust that this new system will not harm our ability to make wise budgetary decisions.

For most questions, our dedicated administrative staff will be able to help. Email, contact them with the form below, or call (215) 563-3980. They can also connect you with a member of the stewardship team if you prefer. We are all happy to help with any questions you have!

Feel free to reach out to our office staff with any questions you may have.

Please do not send any financial information through this form!