New Here?

Welcome! If you are considering membership to First Unitarian Church, you are in the right place. You may have questions about Unitarian Universalism in general, in which case we suggest you explore our Mother Organization’s (The UUA – Unitarian Universalist Association) website, right here,  as well as attend a “UU and You” session at our church, which is held the First Sunday of the Month, right after service. No registration is required, and we provide bagels and cream cheese, all while discussing the history of UU, our church, and how to get involved.

In addition to UU and You, we offer a “Seekers” and “Congregational Life 101” and a culminating ceremony for those who are ready to join, our “New Member Ceremony.”

We provide childcare for all events upon request, and have accessible spaces. If you are planning on attending a Pathways Class or New Member Ceremony, please let us know your needs in the form below.

For more information, email our Minister for Faith Formation, Hannah Capaldi.