Covid Policy

COVID Precautions

Updated Covid Policy as of March 16, 2023

As a Church community, First Unitarian has a special duty of care for each of us.  The risks of COVID illness remain real and dangerous, even for those who have been fully vaccinated. Despite understandable public fatigue with COVID restrictions, and the challenges masking poses, our team continues to believe that science and medical wisdom require care and caution through the anticipated COVID infection holiday spike, at a minimum. Therefore, our current COVID policy is as follows:

The CDC changed Philadelphia’s COVID risk level to LOW last week. Our COVID team agrees masking will now be optional for those worshipping in person on Sundays. The CDC also recommends that people with risk factors for severe COVID continue to mask. This includes anyone with cancer; kidney, liver, or lung disease; diabetes; heart disease, or neurological disease; or is 65 or older.

Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns.