As we start to spend less time together face-to-face, we feel it is vital that we continue to reach out and be present to one another in all the ways we can. We are all in this together and we will build the bridge as we cross it!
Adult Spiritual Development
The Adult Spiritual Development Ministry Team works with the congregation and staff to create programming that enlivens and inspires our spirits, including classes, workshops, book groups, and other special events for the community.
Find out more…
Small Group Ministries
Small Group Ministries are groups of ~10 congregants who gather monthly throughout the year to reflect on spiritual issues in our lives and the world. Groups covenant to support each other, speak from the heart and mind, and to care for each other, including honoring everyone’s confidentiality. If you are looking for a way of deepening your own spirit and building meaningful relationships with others at First Unitarian Church, sign up!
Contact: Christina Servetnick
Women's Book Club
All women book lovers are invited to join monthly discussions of previously chosen books in members homes. Meetings are usually the first Monday of the month, in the evening. Contact coordinator for current reading list and locations of meetings.
Contact: Christine Carlson
Welcoming and Membership Ministries
Membership Ministry Team
The Membership Ministry Team supports First Unitarian Church’s mission by cultivating radical welcome and warmth in our path to membership and our commitment to serving new and longtime members in connecting with one another and the larger congregational community. Coffee hour, New Member Ceremonies, and Ushers and Greeters are just some of the important and vital ministries of this team. Find out more…
Circle Suppers
Circle Suppers are groups of 8-12 people who like to eat and have fun at each other’s homes once a month, with each participant taking a turn to host during the church year. All are welcome, whether you’re a newcomer or long-timer to the church! We organize groups to make sure all needs can be met, regardless physical ability, dietary restrictions, and whether your home has space to host. Questions? Contact the coordinators!
Contact: Coordinators: Kathy Bell and Sharon Egan