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It Takes a Village

Living and working in community, whether chosen or imposed, means discovering how other people see you. If you pay attention to yourself you begin to understand who you really are. Choosing a community is an act of faith.

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Good Communication for Good Relationships

Good communication supports the Second Principle, yet most people never learn how to communicate effectively. We will share how using structured, routine relationship check-ins improves and deepens our communication with each other; fosters justice, equity, authenticity, and compassion in our relationship; and positively impacts our relationships with others. How can better communication improve your relationships?

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Why Is There So Much Economic Inequality?

This service will introduce the concept of economic inequality and its shocking rise. Morally, it is perplexing given the principles in some of the world’s largest faiths. I will describe some of the forces unleashed by neoliberalism, a form of capitalism, since the 1980s. Ending on a hopeful note, we will bring the issue closer to home by listing several organizations working toward economic justice in Philadelphia.

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Past Service: Fascia: the Body’s Interconnected Web

Fascia connects and supports all of our bodies. It is critical to how we feel, how we move, and how we grow. This service will explore the parallels between this physical interconnected web and the interconnected web of community. There is so much that we can learn about one from the other.

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Past Service: Flower Ceremony

This Sunday will be the last sermon from Rev. Hannah and we’ll spend the service reflecting on what it means to leave well and say good bye with grace. As Unitarian Universalists, we know each ending is also a beginning so together we’ll mark this occasion for the whole community.

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Rev. Hannah in the Chapel

Past Service: Saying Goodbye

This Sunday will be the last sermon from Rev. Hannah and we’ll spend the service reflecting on what it means to leave well and say good bye with grace. As Unitarian Universalists, we know each ending is also a beginning so together we’ll mark this occasion for the whole community.

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Rev. Abbey Tennis preaching at the pulpit

Past Service: Dry Bones

There are seasons in life and in the world where exhaustion penetrates to our very bones, where hope feels as scraggly and rare as life in the driest desert. How do we renew our hope, and renew our souls, in these dry times?

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Rev. Abbey Tennis preaching at the pulpit

Past Service: We Belong

The world can feel so disorienting and lonely sometimes. Our culture encourages us to be obsessed with ourselves and with our divisions, and yet what truly feeds our souls is when we lift our eyes to something larger, and when we connect across difference. What gives us the courage to find belonging for ourselves and offer it to each other?

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Rev. Hannah in the Chapel

Past Service: On Motherhood

On Mother’s Day this year, we’ll make space for the myriad ways there are to be a mother, have a mother, and experience motherhood. By sharing the pulpit with voices from congregational leadership, we can stretch our understandings of what it means to do “motherhood.” This Sunday we’ll share our offertory plate with Black Mamas Bailout part of the Philly Community Bail Fund.

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Rev. Abbey Tennis preaching at the pulpit

Past Service: Love at the Center

We are a Living Tradition. For several years, our denomination has been reviewing the language of our core principles. Join us this Sunday to reflect on how the new 7 values speak to our shared faith before they are voted on in June!

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