Join us the first Wednesday of the month, October through May, for our Vespers Services. Beginning at 6pm we will share a simple soup, salad, and bread community dinner. Our candlelit vespers service begins at 6:30.
“I come to the Vespers Service distracted by the stress in my life. I leave the Vespers Service relaxed, calmer and feeling connected to the planet.”
-Karin, First Unitarian member
Our monthly contemplative Vespers service is a time to rest from the demands of the world and immerse ourselves in the peace of singing meditation and the beauty of our candlelit Sanctuary. These services offer song, silence, poetry, and a candle-lighting ritual for all looking to honor joys, sorrows, hopes, and prayers. Join us for a mid-week rest, for a place to meditate on a question or challenge in your life, or simply to deepen your own spiritual practice. Though separate childcare is not provided, all are welcome!
Want to be involved in the service? Head to the chapel at 6:15pm to be part of the drop-in music group for Vespers – all singers and instrumentalists welcome.