Visioning Process

We have embarked on an exciting project: envisioning the next steps for our congregation, as a community. We will think together about our mission as a Church and how our building reflects both our history and present. Watch here for a full video introduction from Rev. Abbey Tennis and Luana Goodwin.

Visioning Process Update, January 15:

The Visioning Team, informed by congregational priorities, has worked diligently with DIGSAU, our architects, to arrive at proposals for building repairs and renovations. Take a look at the Executive Summary of the DIGSAU Visioning Report or view the full report on a Sunday at church or by request. There are two printed copies of the comprehensive 245-page plan in the church office. We will need to set first stage construction priorities for our Capital Campaign to be launched this fall. Please review the report and send questions or comments to Your input is vital!

Visioning Process Update, April 29:

30+ congregants participated in person and online in our second Visioning Session. Our architects presented four levels of intervention and improvement to our building that would increase the viability, flexibility and access for the congregation and our many community partners who contribute to upkeep.

Those levels were:

  • Deferred Maintenance (i.e. roof, masonry, windows)
  • Building Systems (i.e. HVAC, technology, sound),
  • Building Features (i.e. flexible seating, access and use of chancel, value of historic elements)
  • Building Renovation and Reconfiguration (i.e. elevator, access to outdoor space, redesign of critical areas)

As a group activity, those present were invited to deposit 15 “UU Bucks” into containers labeled with the levels of intervention, and placing 5 in a Deferred Maintenance. The group then shared comment about their reasons for assigning their priorities. 

You can watch the full recording of the First Visioning Session here