Adult Spiritual Development Classes

The third principle of Unitarian Universalism holds that we affirm and promote “Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.”  At First Unitarian of Philadelphia, we believe all deserve life-long opportunities for religious education, theological exploration, and spiritual growth. Please subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, the E-Beacon, for the most up to date Adult Spiritual Development offerings and for more detailed information. 


Year Round Programming:

Adult Small Group Ministries

 Congregants have found Small Group Ministry to be a great way to further explore one’s spirituality and the UU faith while keeping in touch monthly with a group of 7-10 new and old friends. Small Group Ministry groups form in October each year. Feel free to reach out to Small Group Ministry with questions or assistance in registering. Register here! We will form a new Small Ministry Group in the new year.

Spirit+Ed Yoga Practice

Join us for our Spirit+Ed Yoga Practice in the Parish Room and on Zoom! No previous experience is required. Please bring your own mat and water bottle. Congregants Eliza and Oliver, and rev are excited to offer yoga sessions on the 2nd, 4th, & 5th Wednesdays of the month! Use this link to join yoga via Zoom.

Spirit+Ed Meditation Practice

Join us for our Spirit+Ed Meditation Practice every 3rd Wednesday of the month! We’ll use a simple format of intro and guided meditation for the first 15min, brief Dharma discussion for 15min, then 30min of Zazen (seated meditation or walking meditation). For more info email or call 415.706.5397. Use this link to join via Zoom. 

Pagan Potluck

Does your theology center the Earth, the Old Gods, or ways of magick and mysticism? Join us for our monthly “Pagan Potluck” at First Unitarian! We’ll organize altars to the 4 Elements and the Ancestors. There will be a small ritual or meditation, music, merriment, and of course, food! You’re invited to bring a dish or snacks to share. See you then! Pagan Potlucks are on the third Saturday of the month.

Theology on Tap

Led by Membership Committee member, Lincoln Statler, Theology on Tap is a low key meet up at Mix (bar and pizza place a block off the church) to talk about theology and connect with other UU’s exploring the faith. Theology on Tap happens every second Thursday of the month. 

Circle Suppers

Are you hoping to get to know others better in the UU congregation? If you love to eat a meal with others, share ideas and have some fun, now is the time to join a circle supper. Circle suppers are a long tradition in UU Congregations and consist of 7-8 people who meet once a month during the church year, eat a meal together, talk about whatever is on their plate or on their mind, and get to know each other. The specific meeting time during the month is flexible and determined by the group. We have in-person and virtual options!  When you register, you will be able to indicate the preference for a virtual only or an in-person group. Registration for Circle Suppers happens at the start of the church year each September. 

Simply Lunch Together

Simply Lunch Together is a monthly weekday event which is a place for First Unitarian members and friends to gather for lunch, conversation and community. 

Women's Book Club

Women’s Book Club is a monthly Monday night book club at 7pm, where women in our congregation meet to discuss the book of the month. The location rotates between the homes of the members of book club. 

Please check below for a few examples of past programming we have offered

Past Programming:

The Shared Roots of Church and Country Music
(Instructor: Chase Castle)
Fans who listened to the radio staple found comfort in the tradition of country music and artists who achieved a spot on the program were deemed saints in the country music canon of faith. The musical significance of these broadcasts is well known, but the manner in which they have relied on tropes of congregational sacred worship have received less attention. And yet, sacred themes pervade the performances, which, as this paper shows, functioned as sacred ground that combined the pleasure of Saturday night and reverence of Sunday morning.

Understanding Your Racial Identity
(Instructor: Marissa Colston)
A three part workshop in which participants will be introduced to racial identity models, engage in reflection and discussion of our own understandings of self as racialized beings, and learn how racial identity influences relationships.

Listening as a Spiritual Practice
(Instructor: Tricia Way)
Tricia Way has been teaching in higher education and prison institutions for the past eight years, focusing on social justice-related issues. She was trained in JUST Listening in 2014 and has been active in the organization’s listening projects in Kensington, Phoenixville, and most recently at the State Correctional Institution at Phoenix. Tricia recognizes that listening justly to others–and being justly listened to–have changed her life for the better; she would like to continue offering her JUST Listening practice to anyone interested in learning the craft of listening more fully and in “right relationship” with another.

Learning to See: Nature in Our Backyard, Porch or Park
(Instructor: Phaedra Tinder and Heather Speirs)
Mary Oliver wrote, “I do not know exactly what a prayer is.  I do know how to pay attention.”  While most of us are spending a lot more time in our homes, we can deepen our appreciation for the spaces immediately around us by giving more attention to the plants, animals, and landscapes that share our urban and suburban environments.  We will explore some techniques to make identifying plants, birds, and insects easier, practice intentionally noticing the world around us, learn about urban ecology and some of the particular natural history of the Philadelphia area, and draw on memories, art, and writing for inspiration.

Cannibal Christians to QAnon: Fantasies of Ultimate Evil
(Instructor: Joy Wiltenburg)
“Cannibal Christians to QAnon: Fantasies of Ultimate Evil” is a four week class led by historian and long term member Joy Wiltenburg.  Each week the group will read and discuss portions of David Frankfurter’s book Evil Incarnate: Rumors of Demonic Conspiracy and Satanic Abuse in History. Frankfurter is a scholar of religion, while Joy is a specialist in early modern European history who teaches the history of witch hunts. We will explore the fantasies of evil that have led to so much demonization and persecution, from early history to our own times.